Генеральный директор

Survey company FROV Experts has been operating since December 3, 2019. On this day, a partnership agreement was signed between the founders of FROV Experts , who are leading managers and experts in the field of quality assessment and survey inspections of fruit and vegetable products in the Russian market.
Specialized education at the Timiryazev Academy (RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A.Timiryazev) and long-term practical experience in various parts of the supply chain in the supply of fruits and vegetables allows the company's management to implement high industry standards and guarantee our customers:
efficiency, accuracy and efficiency at every stage of cooperation.
FROV Experts specializes in survey services in the field of fruit and vegetable logistics and has been operating since 2019. Currently, the company provides such services as: conducting an independent examination, survey services, investigation and recording of insured events, an independent commodity examination of the quality of fruits and vegetables, quality control, quantity and condition of products (cargo) during storage, transportation, loading and unloading.
FROV Experts from March 2021 is a full member and Partner of the Domodedovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry and actively cooperates with the business community of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as has a wide network of experts in Russia and other countries.
The company operates under the trade name FROV Experts - Independent Expertise and Survey Services for Fruits and Vegetables”. Currently, we are working within the framework of the organizational and legal form - IE Andreev V.V. - an Individual Entrepreneur and preparations are underway for the opening of FROV Experts Survey Service LLC.
General Director (Head) - Andreev Vadim Vasilievich, has a higher education in the humanities (1997-2002), special education in the field of commodity science (examination of a group of goods in the category of fruits and vegetables, 2003), additional education in the field of management and marketing, experience in large transport -logistic and leading survey companies in Russia (2007-2021).
The company employs experts who have passed the way, from students of the leading agronomic and agricultural universities of the Russian Federation, to experienced employees of survey companies, procurement and quality departments of FRU, who held managerial positions, both for fruit and vegetable producers and those who worked in the staff of the largest retail chains in Russia.
FROV Experts was born out of the daily work, perseverance and personal talents of its leading managers. In 2005-2015. future managers of the company start their way up the career ladder in the field of assessing the quality of fruit and vegetable products (F&V). They work as specialists in the purchase of F&V in companies for the export-import of food products, as experts - commodity experts on the quality of F&V in the largest retail chains in Moscow and the Moscow region, and in the regions of Russia. During this time, they manage to study the peculiarities of the fruit and vegetable market and get their own view of the problem of assessing the quality of F&V through the prism of retail chains and suppliers of fruit and vegetable products.
In 2015, thanks to personal acquaintance and the similarity of thinking of each, a team of like-minded people was formed, who were united by the idea of creating a community of surveyors or the best modern survey company in Russia.
Thus, at the end of 2019. the company FROV Experts is formed, which has gathered a professional expert community of commodity specialists who have gained experience in reputable survey companies in Russia and the world: Bureau Veritas, TopFrame, Schmidt & Olofson, Marine, IQube, Dokument, SKS. This allowed FROV Experts to integrate best practices into its operations.